Engineering Resources


Resources and Downloads

Please follow the guidelines outlined below for new development utility requests:
  • Review our Standard Construction Specifications and Details as outlined in the above sections.
  • Developers Application Form
  • Preliminary Plan Review
      • Once the Developer’s Application Form is submitted, BPW will review and provide comments within 2 weeks.
      • Following the preliminary plan review, BPW will issue a Willingness to Serve Letter along with available utility maps, upon request.
  • Final Plan Review
      • Final Construction plan shall address all comments provided by BPW and be submitted through the Developer's Application Portal.
      • BPW will review, approve and/or provide additional comments within 2 weeks.
      • Once the Final Construction Plan Submittal is approved, BPW will issue a Utility Construction Approval Letter for inclusion with permitting documents as necessary. A copy of approved permitting documents must be provided to BPW.
  • Utility Extension Fees
      • All water and sewer extension fees are required to be paid by the Developer.
      • Upon request, material quotes will be provided by BPW.
      • All materials will be ordered and construction scheduled once provided fee estimates are approved and paid in full by the Developer.
  • Utility Tap Fees
      • In addition to Utility Extension Fees (if necessary), tap fees must also be paid in full by the Developer for commercial and industrial.  For Residential, the developer must pay all tap fees in full or the builder can pay tap fees as homes are built at the discretion of BPW.
      • Developers must fill out a new service application in person at the Board’s office or online on our website ( prior to paying tap fees.
      • Tap fees/rates can be found on our website.
  • Utility Installation
      • Once all required tap fees and utility extension costs are paid in full by the Developer and/or Builder, BPW will order materials and schedule utility installations.
  • Construction Inspection/Acceptance
      • All utility construction shall be coordinated with BPW such that a representative is onsite during installation for inspection/operation approval.
      • Prior to final acceptance by BPW, all required testing must be completed along with any construction punchlist items provided by BPW inspector. Copies of all field testing shall be provided to BPW for documentation.
      • Upon final acceptance by BPW, an Own and Operate Letter will be provided for SCDHEC PTO submission. A copy of the Final Approval PTO from SCDHEC shall be provided to BPW.

For all questions and general correspondence, please reach out to Steve Bratton at